How to do it...

  1. Create the project from the following template:
$ sls create --template-url --path cncb-synthetics
  1. Navigate to the cncb-synthetics directory cd cncb-synthetics.
  2. Install the dependencies with npm install.
  3. Review the file named src/App.js and update the clientId and domain fields with the values for the user pool stack.
  4. Build the app with npm run build.
  5. Deploy the stack:
Deploying a CloudFront distribution can take upward of 20 minutes.
$ npm run dp:lcl -- -s $MY_STAGE> cncb-synthetics@1.0.0 dp:lcl <path-to-your-workspace>/cncb-synthetics> sls deploy -r us-east-1 --account cncb "-s" "john"...WebsiteDistributionURL: ...

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