Chapter 8Basic Animation

Key Skills & Concepts

• Using Timelines

• Creating paths

• Using keyframes

This chapter introduces you to the world of basic JavaFX animation. Whether you want to create animated text and fly-ins or gain knowledge for creating games, basic animation is the place to begin.

You will need to master three basic topics when tackling basic JavaFX animation:

• Timelines

• Keyframes

• Paths

To begin this chapter, open NetBeans to the JavaFXForBeginners project you have been working on throughout this book. Create a new, empty JavaFX script file named Chapter8.fx. Based on previous chapters, the contents of this file should look as follows:

 /* * Chapter8.fx * * v1.0 - J. F. DiMarzio * * 5/27/2010 – created * * Basic Animation ...

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