Packaging the Beans into a JAR

Try out the TCP networking Java beans that you've written. Compile all of the six Telnet classes: TelnetServer, TelnetClientService, TelnetClient, TelnetClientCommands, TelnetClientThread, and TelnetServerInterface.


Remember to run the Java compiler javac in your DOS or console window from your root class directory c:\jdk1.2.x\myclasses. Place the source Java files for the Telnet classes in the c:\jdk1. 2.x\myclasses\sams\net directory. Finally, recall that the TelnetServer and TelnetClientService classes are mutually dependent, so you need to place references to both classes in the same javac command (see the Compiling the TelnetServer Classes section earlier in this chapter).

Once you've compiled the classes, ...

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