Installation and Setup

The process of installing these frameworks is fairly similar. You will need to visit online and locate the Quick downloadable archive. At the time of this writing, that file was called You should open this file and extract its contents into a directory you can work from, such as c:\dev\Quick4 or ~/dev/Quick4. There are two directories of immediate interest to you: Quick4/BATs and Quick4/JARs. The first contains utility programs that will be used in common Quick tasks and should be added to your PATH environment variable. The second contains a number of libraries you will need; add each to your CLASSPATH environment variable.


If you already have an XML parser in your CLASSPATH variable, such as xerces.jar, you can skip adding the included crimson.jar library.

When you’re finished, your CLASSPATH should look something like this:

C:\dev\javajaxb\ch09\src\xml>echo %CLASSPATH%

Once these libraries and batch files are accessible, you are ready to move on to marshalling and unmarshalling.

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