Web Services and Service-Oriented Architecture

Web services and SOA are related but distinct. SOA, like REST, is more an architectural style—indeed, a mindset—than a body of precisely defined rules for the design and implementation of distributed systems; web services are a natural, important way to provide the services at the core of any SOA system. A fundamental idea in SOA is that an application results from integrating network-accessible services, which are interoperable because each has an interface that clearly defines the operations encapsulated in the service. Per operation, the interface specifies the number and type of each argument passed to the service operation together with the number and type of values returned from each service operation. The very point of a service interface is to publish the invocation syntax of each operation encapsulated in the service. One attraction of the SOA approach is that the ultimate building blocks of even large, complicated systems are structurally simple components; this simplicity at the base level makes it relatively easy to test, debug, deploy, extend, and otherwise maintain a software system.

In an SOA system, services as building block components may be characterized as unassociated and loosely coupled. Consider, for example, two primitive services, S1 and S2, in an SOA application. The two services are unassociated in that neither S1 nor S2 depends on the other: S1 is not required to use S2 or vice versa. The services are mutually independent but can be used together or orchestrated as parts of a larger software system. Following the same theme, components such as S1 and S2 are loosely coupled in that neither needs to know anything about the internal structure of the other in order for both of these services to work together as parts of a larger distributed system. A persistent theme in the many discussions of SOA is the modularity of SOA-based systems.

At the implementation level, a service operation is a function call: the function takes zero or more arguments and returns zero or more values. Although functions in many languages such as C and even Java technically return, at most, only a single value and therefore must resort to aggregate data structures such as a lists to return multiple values, newer languages such as Go have uncomplicated syntax for functions to return arbitrarily many values including, of course, none. This fact underscores the inherent richness and flexibility of the function as a system building block. Programmers fluent in virtually any language are thereby knowledgeable about the syntax and semantics of functions.

In an SOA system, a very simple service may consist of a single function. The implementation model is thus uncomplicated and familiar to programmers, and the simplicity of service operations promotes code reuse through the composition of new services out of existing ones. This ground-level simplicity also enables relatively straightforward troubleshooting because services reduce to primitive function calls. An SOA system can be quite complicated, of course, but the complication arises from the composition and not from the simple services into which the system ultimately decomposes.

Web services are well suited as components in an SOA system. Following best practices, a web service should consist of operations, each of which is implemented as a stateless function call: the call is stateless in that the return value(s) depend only on the arguments passed to the call. In an object-oriented language such as a Java, a well-designed web service is a class that has instance methods as service operations but no instance fields that impact the value returned from a particular method. In practice, statelessness is easier said than done, as the many examples in this book illustrate. In the context of SOA, it is common to distinguish between providers and consumers of web services: the provider furnishes the service’s functionality, and the consumer is a client that issues requests against the service’s operations. The provider/consumer pair is commonly used to describe web services and their clients, respectively.

Perhaps the best way to clarify SOA in the concrete is to contrast this approach to distributed systems with a quite different approach: DOA (Distributed Object Architecture). Web services came to fore as a reaction against the complexity of DOA systems. The next section provides a short history of web services, with emphasis on the kinds of software challenges that web services are meant to address.

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