


public abstract class SOAPFactory {
// Public Constructors
    public SOAPFactory(  ); 
// Public Class Methods
    public static SOAPFactory newInstance(  ) throws SOAPException; 
// Public Instance Methods
    public abstract Detail createDetail(  ) throws SOAPException; 
    public abstract SOAPElement createElement(String localName) throws SOAPException; 
    public abstract SOAPElement createElement(Name name) throws SOAPException; 
    public abstract SOAPElement createElement(String localName, String prefix, 
        String uri) throws SOAPException; 
    public abstract Name createName(String localName) throws SOAPException; 
    public abstract Name createName(String localName, String prefix, 
        String uri) throws SOAPException; 

SOAPFactory is an abstract factory that can be used to create Detail, Name, and SOAPElement objects. Although all of these elements can be created using methods provided by various objects that are part of a SOAP message (such as SOAPEnvelope), it is often convenient to be able to construct message parts without having a reference to a SOAPMessage. In such cases, you should use the SOAPFactory class.

To get a reference to a SOAPFactory object, use the static newInstance( ) method, which uses an algorithm similar to that described for the SOAPConnectionFactory class to locate a concrete implementation. By default, the reference implementation returns an object of type com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.SOAPFactoryImpl.

The createElement( ) method that accepts a single argument of ...

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