


Interface Name: javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionContext

Superinterface: None

Immediate Subinterfaces: None

Implemented By: None

Availability: New as of the Servlet API 2.0; found in JSDK 2.0, JWS 1.1


HttpSessionContext provides access to all of the currently active sessions on the server. This can be useful for servlets that weed out inactive sessions, display statistics, or otherwise share information. A servlet obtains an HttpSessionContext object from the getSessionContext() method of HttpSession.

Interface Declaration

public interface HttpSessionContext { 
  // Methods
  public abstract Enumeration getIds();
  public abstract HttpSession getSession(String sessionId);



public abstract Enumeration getIds()

Returns an Enumeration that contains the session IDs for all the currently valid sessions in this context. It returns an empty Enumeration if there are no valid sessions. The session IDs returned by getIds() should be held as a server secret because any client with knowledge of another client’s session ID can, with a forged cookie or URL, join the second client’s session.


public abstract HttpSession getSession(String sessionId)

Returns the session associated with the given session identifier. A list of valid session IDs can be obtained from the getIds() method.

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