


Interface Name: javax.servlet.ServletContext

Superinterface: None

Immediate Subinterfaces: None

Implemented By: None

Availability: Servlet API 1.0 and later


The ServletContext interface defines a set of methods that can be used to communicate with the server in a non-request-specific manner. This includes finding path information, accessing other servlets running on the server, and writing to the server log file. Different virtual servers may return different servlet contexts.

Interface Declaration

public interface ServletContext {  
  // Methods
  public abstract Object getAttribute(String name);
  public abstract String getMimeType(String file);
  public abstract String getRealPath(String path);
  public abstract String getServerInfo();
  public abstract Servlet getServlet(String name) throws ServletException;
  public abstract Enumeration getServletNames();             // New in 2.0
  public abstract Enumeration getServlets();                 // Deprecated
  public abstract void log(Exception exception, String msg); // New in 2.0
  public abstract void log(String msg);



public abstract Object getAttribute(String name)

Returns the value of the named server attribute as an Object or null if the attribute does not exist. The attributes are server-dependent and allow web servers to provide servlets with information above and beyond that provided for by the base Servlet API. Attribute names should follow the same convention as package names. The package names java.*

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