Database Custom Actions


The <ora:sqlQuery> action executes a SQL SELECT statement and makes the result available as a java.util.Vector of com.ora.jsp.sql.Row objects. The SQL statement is specified in the body of the action element. Placeholder characters (question marks) can be used in the statement and given values dynamically by nested value action elements (see Section 3.3.5 later in this appendix for details). The attributes supported by the <ora:sqlQuery> action are described in Table 3.16.

Table C-16. <ora:sqlQuery> Attributes

Attribute Name

Java Type

Request-TimeValue Accepted




Mandatory, unless used with <ora:sqlTransaction>. The name of the data source.



Mandatory. The name of the vector to hold the result.



Optional. The scope for the result, one of page, request, session, or application. Default is page.


  Get all rows from a table where a column matches the value
  of a request parameter.
<ora:sqlQuery id="empDbInfo" dataSource="example">
  SELECT * FROM Employee 
    WHERE UserName = ?
  <ora:sqlStringValue param="userName" />


The <ora:sqlTransaction> action is used to enclose other database action elements that together make up a database transaction: a set of database operations where all operations either fail or succeed. The attribute supported by this action is described in Table 3.17.

Table C-17. <ora:sqlTransaction>Attribute

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