
Class javax.crypto.CipherSpi


This class is the Security Provider Interface of the Cipher class. To implement a particular cipher algorithm, create a subclass of this class and register the class with an appropriate security provider. Like all SPI classes, the methods that begin with engine are called by their corresponding method (without engine) from the Cipher class.

Class Definition

public abstract class javax.crypto.CipherSpi
	extends java.lang.Object {

	// Constructors
	public CipherSpi();

	// Protected Instance Methods
	protected abstract byte[] engineDoFinal(byte[], int, int);
	protected abstract int engineDoFinal(byte[], int, int,
						byte[], int);
	protected abstract int engineGetBlockSize();
	protected abstract byte[] engineGetIV();
	protected abstract int engineGetOutputSize(int);
	protected abstract void engineInit(int, Key, SecureRandom);
	protected abstract void engineInit(int, Key, 
					AlgorithmParameterSpec, SecureRandom);
	protected abstract void engineInit(int, Key, AlgorithmParameters,
	protected abstract void engineSetMode(String);
	protected abstract void engineSetPadding(String);
	protected abstract byte[] engineUpdate(byte[], int, int);
	protected abstract int engineUpdate(byte[], int, int, byte[], int);

See also:

AlgorithmParameterSpec, Cipher, Key, SecureRandom

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