
Class java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader


While not a traditional class loader, this class allows classes to be loaded via the same mechanics as a class loader: the loadClass( ) method may be called to load a class explicitly, and this class will also be used to load all subsequent classes required by the target class. This class loader will only load classes from the URL specified by the java.rmi.server.codebase property. The internal class loader used by this class is a secure class loader, so the security model of the access controller will be used by classes loaded in this manner.

Class Definition

public class java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader
	extends java.lang.Object {

	// Class Methods
	public static Object getSecurityContext(ClassLoader);
	public static Class loadClass(String);
	public static Class loadClass(String, String);
	public static Class loadClass(URL, String);

See also

ClassLoader, SecureClassLoader

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