


Instances of this class are used to obtain trust managers, which provide the certificates used to verify the identity of an SSL peer. The trust manager must be initialized with an appropriate keystore.

Class Definition

public class
    extends java.lang.Object {

    // Constructors
    protected TrustManagerFactory(TrustManagerFactorySpi,
                                  Provider, String);

    // Class Methods
    public static final String getDefaultAlgorithm(  );
    public static final TrustManagerFactory getInstance(
                                               String, String);
    public static final TrustManagerFactory getInstance(String);
    public static final TrustManagerFactory getInstance(
                                               String, Provider);

    // Instance Methods
    public final String getAlgorithm(  );
    public final Provider getProvider(  );
    public TrustManager[] getTrustManagers(  );
    public void init(KeyStore);

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