
I am grateful to the many people who have helped me with this book along the way; this book is as much a reflection of their support as anything else. I offer my heartfelt thanks to Mike Loukides and Deb Cameron for stewarding me through the editorial process.

Various drafts of this book were foisted upon my colleagues Mark Bordas, Charles Francois, David Plotkin, Nick Jacobs, and Henry Wong; I am indebted to each of them for their feedback and support, and to Lynne Doherty for all her support. In addition, I was extremely fortunate to receive technical assistance from a highly talented group of individuals: to Jim Farley, Li Gong, Jon Meyer, Michael Norman, and especially to David Hopwood, I offer my deepest thanks for all your input. Roland Schemers expertly handled my last-minute barrage of questions with patience and insight. The second edition benefited greatly from the input of Eric Brower, Jonathan Knudsen, and John Zukowski.

The staff at O’Reilly & Associates was enormously helpful in producing this book, including Colleen Gorman, the Production Editor; Robert Romano, who created the figures; Seth Maislin and Ellen Troutman-Zaig, who wrote the index; Hanna Dyer, the cover designer; David Futato, the interior designer; Mike Sierra for Tools support; and Linley Dolby for quality control.

Finally, I must offer my thanks to James for all his patience and support and for putting up with my continual state of distraction during phases of this process.

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