
Note to the reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations.

Symbols and Numbers

- operator

-- unary operator

& (ampersand; AND) operator

! (logical NOT) operator

&& (AND) conditional operator

* (asterisk)

, (comma)

. (period; dot)

; (semicolon)

for empty statement
for statement terminator

@Override annotation

[ ] (brackets)

for arrays

^ (caret) operator

|| (OR|) conditional operator

| (pipe; OR) operator

~ (bitwise NOT) operator

+ operator

++ unary operator

< (less than) operator

== (equality operator)

vs. equals() method

> (greater than) operator

0b prefix


abstract classes

extending and implementing
rules for
subclasses for

abstract keyword ...

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