B.5. deployejb

You use deployejb to load Enterprise JavaBeans into an Oracle database. It is invoked from the command line using the following syntax:

deployejb -user user_name
-password password -service iiop_URL
 -descriptor descriptor_file -temp temp_directory JAR_file [option_list]

iiop_URL := sess_iiop://host_name:port:sid

The syntax elements are as follows:


The username that you want deployejb to use when connecting to the database.


The password that goes along with the username that you supply.


The URL for the Internet Inter-Orb Protocol (IIOP). The IIOP service is used to communicate with the database when loading EJBs. You can get this URL from your DBA, and it has the following components:


The name of the machine on which the database is running; for example, localhost.


The port number for the IIOP listener. 2481 is the default IIOP listener port created when the Oracle database software is installed.


The database SID; for example, ORCL.


The file containing the EJB deployment descriptor.


A temporary directory used to hold intermediate files that deployejb creates when loading EJBs.


A JAR file containing the Java class files for the EJB.


A list of options separated by space characters. Table B-5 contains the list of options that you can use.

Table B-5. deployejb options
Option Description Default
-addclasspath dir_list Specifies a ...

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