Appendix A. The Java Message Service API

This appendix is a quick reference guide to the Java Message Service API. It is organized into three sections: common facilities, publish-and-subscribe, and point-to-point. Each section provides a summary of its interfaces and is organized alphabetically. Section 1.1 covers all the common base interfaces of the p2p and pub/sub programming APIs, as well as the six message types. Section 1.2 covers the queue-based API, and Section 1.3 covers the topic-based API.

The XA-compliant interfaces are not included in this section because they are essentially the same as their non-XA interfaces. In addition, the Application Server API (ConnectionConsumer, ServerSession, and ServerSessionPool) is not covered because this API is not supported by most vendors and therefore is not covered in this book.

Common Facilities

This section covers all the common base interfaces of the p2p and pub/sub programming APIs, as well as the six message types.


This Message type carries an array of primitive bytes as its payload. It’s useful for exchanging data in an application’s native format, which may not be compatible with other existing Message types. It is also useful where JMS is used purely as a transport between two systems, and the message payload is opaque to the JMS client:

public interface BytesMessage extends Message { public byte readByte( ) throws JMSException; public void writeByte(byte value) throws JMSException; public int readUnsignedByte( ...

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