File Filters

Java 2 adds a new interface that’s very similar to FilenameFilter:

public abstract interface FileFilter  // Java 2

The accept() method of FileFilter takes a single File object as an argument, rather than two strings giving the directory and path:

public boolean accept(File pathname)  // Java 2

Example 12.7 is a filter that only passes HTML files. Its logic is essentially the same as the filter of Example 12.6.

Example 12-7. HTMLFileFilter


public class HTMLFileFilter implements FileFilter {

 public boolean accept(File pathname) {
   if (pathname.getName().endsWith(".html")) return true;
   if (pathname.getName().endsWith(".htm")) return true;
   return false;

This class appears as an argument in one of the listFiles() methods of

public File[] listFiles(FileFilter filter)      // Java 2

Example 12.8 uses the HTMLFileFilter to list the HTML files in the current working directory.

Example 12-8. List HTML Files


public class HTMLFiles {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    File cwd = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
    File[] htmlFiles = cwd.listFiles(new HTMLFileFilter());
    for (int i = 0; i < htmlFiles.length; i++) {


There’s a nasty name conflict between the interface and the abstract javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter class discussed in the next chapter. I would not be surprised if this interface were replaced by a new abstract FileFilter class more ...

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