Chapter 7. Data Streams

Data streams read and write strings, integers, floating-point numbers, and other data that’s commonly presented at a higher level than mere bytes. The and classes read and write the primitive Java data types (boolean, int, double, etc.) and strings in a particular, well-defined, platform-independent format. Since DataInputStream and DataOutputStream use the same formats, they’re complementary. What a data output stream writes, a data input stream can read. These classes are especially useful when you need to move data between platforms that may use different native formats for integers or floating-point numbers.

The Data Stream Classes

The and classes are subclasses of FilterInputStream and FilterOutputStream , respectively.

public class DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements DataInput
public class DataOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream 
             implements DataOutput

They have all the usual methods you’ve come to associate with input and output stream classes, such as read(), write(), flush(), available(), skip(), close(), markSupported(), and reset(). (Data input streams support marking if, and only if, their underlying input stream supports marking.) However, the real purpose of DataInputStream and DataOutputStream is not to read and write raw bytes using the standard input and output stream methods. It’s to read and interpret multibyte data like ...

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