


An instance of this class represents a login module to be used for user authentication for a particular application. It encapsulates three pieces of information: the class name of the implementation that is to be used, a “control flag” that specifies whether authentication by that module is required or optional, and a java.util.Map of arbitrary string name/value pairs of options for the login module.

public class AppConfigurationEntry {
// Public Constructors
     public AppConfigurationEntry(String loginModuleName, AppConfigurationEntry.
        LoginModuleControlFlag controlFlag, java.util.Map<String,?> options);  
// Nested Types
     public static class LoginModuleControlFlag; 
// Public Instance Methods
     public AppConfigurationEntry.LoginModuleControlFlag getControlFlag( );  
     public String getLoginModuleName( );  
     public java.util.Map<String,?> getOptions( );  

Returned By

Configuration.getAppConfigurationEntry( )

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