


Signals a problem encoding or decoding characters or bytes. This is a generic superclass for more-specific exception types. Note that the one-argument versions of CharsetEncoder.encode( ) and CharsetDecoder.decode( ) may throw an exception of this type, but that the three-argument versions of the same method instead report encoding problems through their CoderResult return value. Note also that the encode( ) and decode( ) convenience methods of Charset do not throw this exception because they specify that malformed input and unmappable characters or bytes should be replaced. (See CodingErrorAction.)


Figure 13-47. java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException

public class CharacterCodingException extends {
// Public Constructors
     public CharacterCodingException( );  


MalformedInputException, UnmappableCharacterException

Thrown By

CharsetDecoder.decode( ), CharsetEncoder.encode( ), CoderResult.throwException( )

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