


This class is a that governs all networking operations performed with sockets. Like all permissions, a SocketPermission consists of a name, or target, and a list of actions that may be performed on that target. The target of a SocketPermission is the host and, optionally, the port or ports for which permission is being granted or requested. The target consists of a hostname optionally followed by a colon and a port specification. The host may be a DNS domain name, a numerical IP address, or the string “localhost”. If you specify a host domain name, you may use * as a wildcard as the leftmost portion of the hostname. The port specification, if present, must be a single port number or a range of port numbers in the form n1-n2. If n1 is omitted, it is taken to be 0, and if n2 is omitted, it is taken to be 65535. If no port is specified, the socket permission applies to all ports of the specified host. Here are some legal SocketPermission targets:

In addition to a target, each SocketPermission must have a comma-separated list of actions, which specify the operations that may be performed on the specified host(s) and port(s). The available actions are “connect”, “accept”, “listen”, and “resolve”. “connect” represents permission to connect to the specified target. “accept” indicates permission to accept connections from the specified target. “listen” represents permission ...

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