


Instances of this class represent a network interface on the local machine. getName( ) and getDisplayName( ) return the name of the interface, and getInetAddresses( ) returns a java.util.Enumeration of the internet addresses for the interface. Obtain a NetworkInterface object with one of the static methods defined by this class. getNetworkInterfaces( ) returns an enumeration of all interfaces for the local host. This class is typically only used in advanced networking applications.

public final class NetworkInterface {
// No Constructor
                  // Public Class Methods
     public static NetworkInterface getByInetAddress(InetAddress addr) 
throws SocketException;  
     public static NetworkInterface getByName(String name) throws SocketException;  
     public static java.util.Enumeration<NetworkInterface> getNetworkInterfaces( ) 
throws SocketException;  
// Public Instance Methods
     public String getDisplayName( );  
     public java.util.Enumeration<InetAddress> getInetAddresses( );  
     public String getName( );  
// Public Methods Overriding Object
     public boolean equals(Object obj);  
     public int hashCode( );  
     public String toString( );  

Passed To

DatagramSocketImpl.{joinGroup( ), leaveGroup( )}, Inet6Address.getByAddress( ), InetAddress.isReachable( ), MulticastSocket.{joinGroup( ), leaveGroup( ), setNetworkInterface( )}

Returned By

Inet6Address.getScopedInterface( ), MulticastSocket.getNetworkInterface( )

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