


This interface has no members but is implemented or extended by any type that represents a generic or nongeneric type. java.lang.Class implements this interface. Type is also extended by four interfaces that represent four specific kinds of generic types: ParameterizedType, TypeVariable, WildcardType, and GenericArrayType.

public interface Type {


Class, GenericArrayType, ParameterizedType, TypeVariable, WildcardType

Returned By

Class.{getGenericInterfaces( ), getGenericSuperclass( )}, Constructor.{getGenericExceptionTypes( ), getGenericParameterTypes( )}, Field.getGenericType( ), GenericArrayType.getGenericComponentType( ), Method.{getGenericExceptionTypes( ), getGenericParameterTypes( ), getGenericReturnType( )}, ParameterizedType.{getActualTypeArguments( ), getOwnerType( ), getRawType( )}, TypeVariable.getBounds( ), WildcardType.{getLowerBounds( ), getUpperBounds( )}

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