


This MXBean interface provides access to the runtime configuration of the Java virtual machine, including system properties, command-line arguments, class path, virtual machine vendor and version, and so on. getUptime( ) returns the uptime of the virtual machine in milliseconds.

public interface RuntimeMXBean {
// Public Instance Methods
     String getBootClassPath( );  
     String getClassPath( );  
     java.util.List<String> getInputArguments( );  
     String getLibraryPath( );  
     String getManagementSpecVersion( );  
     String getName( );  
     String getSpecName( );  
     String getSpecVendor( );  
     String getSpecVersion( );  
     long getStartTime( );  
     java.util.Map<String,String> getSystemProperties( );  
     long getUptime( );  
     String getVmName( );  
     String getVmVendor( );  
     String getVmVersion( );  
     boolean isBootClassPathSupported( );  

Returned By

ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean( )

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