


An annotation of this type tells the Java compiler not to generate specified kinds of warning messages for code within the annotated program element. Annotations of this type have source retention and may be applied to any program element except packages and other annotation types. An @SuppressWarnings annotation has an array of String objects as its value. These strings specify the names of the warnings to be suppressed. The available warnings (and their names) depend on the compiler implementation, and compilers will ignore warning names they do not support. Compiler vendors are expected to cooperate in defining at least a core set of common warning names. In Java 5.0, the @SuppressWarnings warning names supported by the javac compiler are the same as the warning flags that can be specfied with the -Xlint compiler flag.


Figure 10-62. java.lang.SuppressWarnings

public @interface SuppressWarnings {
// Public Instance Methods
     String[ ] value( );  

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