


This Level 3 interface describes an error that occurs while processing a document (such as when loading, saving, validating or normalizing it). An object that implements this interface is passed to the registered DOMErrorHandler, if any. The constants defined by this interface represent error severity levels.

Note that this interface is unrelated to DOMException class or to the java.lang.Error and java.lang.Exception classes.

public interface DOMError {
// Public Constants
     public static final short SEVERITY_ERROR;                           =2
     public static final short SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR;                     =3
     public static final short SEVERITY_WARNING;                         =1
                  // Public Instance Methods
     org.w3c.dom.DOMLocator getLocation( );  
     String getMessage( );  
     Object getRelatedData( );  
     Object getRelatedException( );  
     short getSeverity( );  
     String getType( );  

Passed To

DOMErrorHandler.handleError( )

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