Chapter 19. Inner Classes


  • Inner Classes

  • Method Local Inner Classes

  • Anonymous Inner Classes

  • And Special Guest Appearance by Static (Top-Level) Inner Classes as The Beav

Over-read on IM…

Zilly: can't you get him to come out? He never comes.

Elmo: he hates movies.

Zilly: well. So do I I still go :P

Elmo: yer not as internally motivated as MisterLister :)

Zilly: i'm not internally motivated period duh.

Elmo: since he got javagarage all dude wants to do is mope around his apt reading java books

Zilly: tell him theres hot chix there. then he'll come out with us.

Elmo: hot chix at de passion of de christ? uh.

Zilly: tell him hot chix with java books.

Elmo: lol…

This part is all about inner classes. Inner classes are not the kind of thing that ...

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