Using the Javadoc Tool

Now that you are ready to generate your documentation, whip out a console and get ready to rumble.

Here's the usage for the Javadoc tool:

javadoc [options] [packagenames] [sourcefiles] [@files]

To see a full list of usage options, simply get a console and type javadoc –help and hit Enter. Here's a basic way to generate your docs:

  1. At the console, navigate to the directory that contains the package you want to document.

  2. Type javadoc -d DocOutputDirectory PackageName

To document the net.javagarage package and put it into the /eben/home/MyJavaDocs directory, I type this:

>javadoc -d /eben/home/MyJavaDocs net.javagarage

The utility runs outputting what it is doing along the way. It creates several directories and many files, ...

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