
A single character is represented in Java with the char primitive. The Unicode char occupies 16 bits or 2 bytes, stores a - z, A - Z, 0 - 9, and numerous other characters including those on your keyboard, and characters in languages such as Hebrew, Korean, Arabic, and other doublebyte characters.


The char stores 0 to 216-1 or 0 to 65,535

Default value is '\u0000', which is null in Unicode

You can write Unicode char values using a \u and the code number that represents the desired character. Here are some examples of Unicode values.

 '\u0030' is 0 '\u0039' is 9 '\u0041' is A '\u005A' is Z '\u0061' is a '\u007A' is z '\u000A' is LF (line feed will cause a compiler error) '\u000D' is CR (carriage return - will cause compiler error) ...

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