Configuring Cactus


You want to set up Cactus to test Servlets, JSPs, and Filters.


Add junit.jar, cactus.jar, httpclient.jar, commons-logging.jar, log4j.jar, and aspectjrt.jar to the client classpath. Add junit.jar, cactus.jar, commons-logging.jar, and log4j.jar to your web application’s WEB-INF/lib directory.


A Cactus test suite executes on both client and server, requiring both client and server classpaths to be set properly. Cactus configuration is tricky and almost all Cactus problems are related to classpath issues. This chapter assumes Cactus 1.4.1, which bundles the JAR files listed below.


The JAR files that come bundled with Cactus 1.4 and higher include the version of the tool in the filename. For example, the JUnit JAR file used in Cactus 1.4.1 is junit-3.7.jar, specifying JUnit 3.7 is being used. This chapter does not assume any specific version for JAR files because you are free to use any compatible version of a third party tool.

Client-side classpath

junit.jar contains the JUnit framework that Cactus extends from, and is needed to compile and run the Cactus test suite. All Cactus framework test cases, as mentioned in the introduction, extend the org.junit.framework.TestCase class.

cactus.jar contains the Cactus framework, which includes three Cactus test cases (ServletTestCase, JspTestCase, FilterTestCase) that your test classes may extend.

httpclient.jar contains a framework supporting HTTP-based methods such as GET and POST, provides the ...

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