


Provides an interface to SQL ARRAY objects. Each getArray() method returns a standard Java array of objects of the type returned by getBaseType(). Two of the getArray() methods support a java.util.Map parameter that can be used to customize the SQL-type-to-Java-object mapping. The contents of the array can also be returned as a ResultSet using the various getResultSet() methods.

public interface Array {
// Public Instance Methods
   public abstract Object getArray() throws SQLException;  
   public abstract Object getArray(
        java.util.Map map) throws SQLException;  
   public abstract Object getArray(long index, 
        int count) throws SQLException;  
   public abstract Object getArray(long index, int count, 
        java.util.Map map) throws SQLException;  
   public abstract int getBaseType() throws SQLException;  
   public abstract String getBaseTypeName(
        ) throws SQLException;  
   public abstract java.sql.ResultSet getResultSet(
        ) throws SQLException;  
   public abstract java.sql.ResultSet getResultSet(
        java.util.Map map) throws SQLException;  
   public abstract java.sql.ResultSet getResultSet(long index, 
        int count) throws SQLException;  
   public abstract java.sql.ResultSet getResultSet(long index, 
        int count, java.util.Map map) throws SQLException;  

Passed To

PreparedStatement.setArray(), java.sql.ResultSet.updateArray(), SQLOutput.writeArray(), javax.sql.RowSet.setArray()

Returned By

CallableStatement.getArray(), java.sql.ResultSet.getArray(), SQLInput.readArray()

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