


This exception is thrown by any of the NamingContext methods for binding, resolving or unbinding object names, when a specified name is not found as a binding within the NamingContext. The NotFound exception contains a NameComponent array, which represents the remainder of the name after the first component mismatch was found, and a NotFoundReason object, that contains an int value that indicates whether the operation failed because one of the components in the name was not found, one of the intermediate components was bound to a regular object instead of a context, or the final component was not bound to an object.

public final class NotFound extends org.omg.CORBA.UserException {
// Public Constructors
   public NotFound();  
   public NotFound(NotFoundReason _why, 
        NameComponent[] _rest_of_name);  
   public NotFound(String $reason, NotFoundReason _why,          // 1.4
        NameComponent[] _rest_of_name);  
// Public Instance Fields
   public NameComponent[] rest_of_name;  
   public NotFoundReason why;  

Passed To

NotFoundHelper.{insert(), write()}, NotFoundHolder.NotFoundHolder()

Returned By

NotFoundHelper.{extract(), read()}

Thrown By

_NamingContextExtStub.{bind(), bind_context(), bind_new_context(), rebind(), rebind_context(), resolve(), resolve_str(), unbind()}, _NamingContextStub.{bind(), bind_context(), bind_new_context(), rebind(), rebind_context(), resolve(), unbind()}, NamingContextExtOperations.resolve_str() ...

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