


This exception class is used to wrap any user exceptions that are thrown during DII remote method calls. If an exception is thrown by the server object during such a call, the client can call the env() method on its Request object to get the requests Environment. The exception contained within the Environment is an UnknownUserException. The actual user exception that the server threw is contained in the except data member of the UnknownUserException, which is an Any object.

public final class UnknownUserException extends UserException {
// Public Constructors
   public UnknownUserException();  
   public UnknownUserException( Any a);  
// Public Instance Fields
   public Any except;  

Passed To

UnknownUserExceptionHelper.{insert(), write()}, UnknownUserExceptionHolder.UnknownUserExceptionHolder()

Returned By

UnknownUserExceptionHelper.{extract(), read()}

Type Of


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