


A RemoteCall is the interface used by stubs and skeletons to perform remote method calls. The getInputStream() and getOutputStream() methods return streams that can be used to marshal arguments or return values, and unmarshal them on the other end of the method call.

public interface RemoteCall {
// Deprecated Public Methods
   public abstract void done() throws IOException;               // #
   public abstract void executeCall() throws Exception;          // #
   public abstract ObjectInput getInputStream(                   // #
        ) throws IOException;  
   public abstract ObjectOutput getOutputStream(                 // #
        ) throws IOException;  
   public abstract ObjectOutput getResultStream(                 // #
        boolean success) throws IOException, StreamCorruptedException;  
   public abstract void releaseInputStream(                      // #
        ) throws IOException;  
   public abstract void releaseOutputStream(                     // #
        ) throws IOException;  

Passed To

RemoteRef.{done(), invoke()}, Skeleton.dispatch()

Returned By


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