


A ValueHandler is responsible for marshalling/unmarshalling objects over CORBA IOP streams.

public interface ValueHandler {
// Public Instance Methods
   public abstract String getRMIRepositoryID( Class clz);  
   public abstract org.omg.SendingContext.RunTime getRunTimeCodeBase(
   public abstract boolean isCustomMarshaled( Class clz);  
   public abstract Serializable readValue(
        org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream in, int offset, 
        Class clz, String repositoryID, 
        org.omg.SendingContext.RunTime sender);  
   public abstract Serializable writeReplace(
        Serializable value);  
   public abstract void writeValue(
        org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream out, 
        Serializable value);  

Returned By

Util.createValueHandler(), UtilDelegate.createValueHandler()

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