


This abstract subclass of java.rmi.server.RemoteServer represents a server object that is persistent and activatable, as opposed to a UnicastRemoteObject which represents a server object that is only available during the lifetime of the server process. Both UnicastRemoteObjects and Activatables only support point-to-point communications.

The Activatable class provides a set of constructors and a corresponding set of static exportObject() methods that can be used to register and export a server object, either pre-instantiated or not. The exportObject() methods are provided for server objects that choose not to extend the Activatable class. The getID() method on the class allows you to get the server object’s ActivationID. Other static methods on the class are the register() method, which can be used to register an activatable object without instantiating it, unexportObject(), which removes the specified object from the RMI runtime, unregister(), which removes the activation registration for the given ActivationID, and inactive(), which specifies that the activatable object specified by the given ActivationID is currently not active.

public abstract class Activatable extends java.rmi.server.RemoteServer {
// Protected Constructors
   protected Activatable(ActivationID id, 
        int port) throws RemoteException;  
   protected Activatable(ActivationID id, int port, java.rmi.server.RMIClientSocketFactory ...

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