


This subclass of IOException is thrown when an error occurs during any remote object operation. The RemoteException includes a Throwable data member that represents the nested exception that caused the RemoteException to be thrown. For example, if an exception occurs on the server while executing a remote method, then the client receives a RemoteException (in the form of a ServerException, one of its sub-classes) with its Throwable data member initialized to the server-side exception that caused the client-side RemoteException to be delivered.

                  Returned By
public class RemoteException extends IOException {
// Public Constructors
   public RemoteException();  
   public RemoteException( String s);  
   public RemoteException( String s, Throwable ex);  
// Public Methods Overriding Throwable
   public Throwable getCause();                                  // default:null, 1.4
   public String getMessage();                                   // default:null
                  // Public Instance Fields
   public Throwable detail;  


AccessException, java.rmi.ConnectException, ConnectIOException, MarshalException, NoSuchObjectException, ServerError, ServerException, ServerRuntimeException, StubNotFoundException, UnexpectedException, java.rmi.UnknownHostException, UnmarshalException, java.rmi.activation.ActivateFailedException, java.rmi.server.ExportException, java.rmi.server.SkeletonMismatchException, java.rmi.server.SkeletonNotFoundException, javax.transaction.InvalidTransactionException ...

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