Tuning Techniques

Java Enterprise performance-tuning techniques include J2SE tuning techniques, as well as a variety of others. Here is a summary of the J2SE best practice techniques:

  • Improve CPU limitations with faster code, better algorithms, and fewer short-lived objects.

  • Improve memory limitations by using fewer objects or smaller long-lived objects.

  • Improve I/O limitations by reducing the number of I/O operations with targeted redesigns, or by speeding up I/O by reducing the amount of data requiring I/O, or perhaps by multithreading the I/O. Buffer I/O where possible (usually almost everywhere).

  • Switch to an optimizing compiler.

  • Use a JIT-enabled JVM.

  • Test other JVMs to find a faster one.

  • Turn off any JVM options that slow down the application (e.g., -Xrunhprof and -verbose ).

  • Tune the heap.

  • If a bottleneck consists of a slow method, make it faster.

  • If a bottleneck consists of many calls to a fast method, reduce the number of times that method is called.

  • Tune object-creation and garbage-collection bottlenecks by reusing objects and reducing the number of objects used.

  • Target loops. Minimize the time executed in the loop by moving any code you can outside the loop, avoiding repeated operations and inlining method calls.

  • Target strings. Only internationalized text needs to use String objects. All other string use can probably be optimized with your own character handling.

  • Try to use primitive datatypes directly. Avoid wrapping them.

  • Use or build the fastest collection possible. Traverse ...

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