Common memory settings

We saw how the memory was collected and that there are a lot of tuning options (once again, don't forget to check your particular JVM options). However, there are some very common memory settings that you will want to customize before finely tuning the collector. Here is a small table with these memory settings:

Option Description
-Xmx<size> The maximum memory size allocated to the heap, for example, -Xmx1g to allow the heap to grow until 1GB
-Xms<size> The starting memory size allocated to the heap, for example, -Xms512m to allocate 512 MB to the heap
-Xss<size> The stack size (can avoid StackOverflowError)
-XX:SurvivorRatio=N Ration between eden and survivor spaces
-XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=N and -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=N ...

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