How it works...

Well, we have a lot of things happening here! Let's begin with our UserActivity class.

We used the @RolesAllowed annotation to define the role that can access each method of the class:

    @RolesAllowed({Roles.ROLE1})    public void role1Allowed(){        System.out.println("role1Allowed executed");    }

You can add more than one role inside the annotation (it's an array).

We also had two others interesting annotations, @PermitAll and @DenyAll:

  • The @PermitAll annotation allows anyone to access the method, even without any authentication.
  • The @DenyAll annotation denies everyone access to the method, even authenticated users with the highest privileges.

Then we have what we called executors:

@Named@RunAs(Roles.ROLE1)public class Role1Executor ...

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