How it works...

We used two kinds of injection:

  • From UserBean, when UserService is attached to the context
  • From UserService itself

Injection from UserBean is the simplest possible to perform:

    @Inject    private UserBean userBean;

Injection from UserService itself is also simple:

    @Inject    private void setUserLocal(){        long ts = System.currentTimeMillis();        userLocal = new User("Local" + ts, "user" + ts +                              "");     }

Here, the @Inject works like the @PostConstruct annotation, with the difference begin in the server context running the method. But the result is quite the same.

Everything is injected, so now it's just a matter of getting the results:

response = target.path("webresources/userservice/getUserFromBean")                .request() .accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) ...

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