
Class javax.crypto.spec.RSAPrivateKeyCrtSpec


This class represents a private key for the RSA cipher algorithm, specified using the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT). Instances of this class may be used with an appropriate KeyFactory to generate PrivateKey s. Because the JCE does not support RSA, you’ll have to buy a third-party implementation.

Class Definition

public class javax.crypto.spec.RSAPrivateKeyCrtSpec
  extends javax.crypto.spec.RSAPrivateKeySpec {

  // Constructors
  public RSAPrivateKeyCrtSpec(BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger,
    BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger);

  // Instance Methods
  public BigInteger getCrtCoefficient();
  public BigInteger getPrimeExponentP();
  public BigInteger getPrimeExponentQ();
  public BigInteger getPrimeP();
  public BigInteger getPrimeQ();
  public BigInteger getPublicExponent();

See Also

KeyFactory, KeySpec, PrivateKey, RSAPrivateKeySpec

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