
Class javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory


A SecretKeyFactory is used to convert between secret key data formats. For example, you might use a SecretKeyFactory to convert a DES SecretKey into an array of bytes, or to some other representation (a KeySpec). Similarly, a SecretKeyFactory can translate from a KeySpec to a SecretKey. As usual, you can obtain a SecretKeyFactory for a particular algorithm by calling getInstance(). You can translate from a SecretKey to a KeySpec using translateKey(). If you want to create a SecretKey from a corresponding KeySpec, use generateSecret().

Class Definition

public class javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory
  extends java.lang.Object {

  // Constructors
  protected SecretKeyFactory(SecretKeyFactorySpi, Provider, String);

  // Class Methods
  public static final SecretKeyFactory getInstance(String);
  public static final SecretKeyFactory getInstance(String, String);

  // Instance Methods
  public final SecretKey generateSecret(KeySpec);
  public final String getAlgorithm();
  public final KeySpec getKeySpec(SecretKey, Class);
  public final Provider getProvider();
  public final SecretKey translateKey(SecretKey);

See Also

KeySpec, Provider, SecretKey, SecretKeyFactorySpi

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