


This subclass of Certificate represents certificates as defined in the X.509 standard. Such certificates associate a public key with a subject, which is usually a person or organization. You can find out the certificate’s subject by calling getSubjectDN(). You can retrieve the subject’s public key using getPublicKey(), which is inherited from Certificate. The certificate’s issuer is the person or organization that generated and signed the certificate (see getIssuerDN()).

If you have a certificate file in the format described by RFC 1421, you can create an X509Certificate from it using one of the getInstance() methods.

Class Definition

public abstract class extends implements { // Constructors public X509Certificate(); // Class Methods public static final X509Certificate getInstance(InputStream); public static final X509Certificate getInstance(byte[]); // Instance Methods public abstract void checkValidity(); public abstract void checkValidity(Date); public abstract int getBasicConstraints(); public abstract Set getCriticalExtensionOIDs(); public abstract byte[] getExtensionValue(String); public abstract Principal getIssuerDN(); public abstract boolean[] getIssuerUniqueID(); public abstract boolean[] getKeyUsage(); public abstract Set getNonCriticalExtensionOIDs(); public abstract Date getNotAfter(); public abstract Date getNotBefore(); ...

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