


This is an engine class that is capable of generating a public key and its related private key. Instances of this class will generate key pairs that are appropriate for a particular algorithm (DSA, RSA, etc.). A key pair generator may be initialized to return keys of a particular strength (which is usually the number of bits in the key), or it may be initialized in an algorithmic-specific way; the former case is implemented by most key generators. An instance of this class may be used to generate any number of key pairs.

Class Definition

public abstract class
  extends {

  // Constructors
  protected KeyPairGenerator(String);

  // Class Methods
  public static KeyPairGenerator getInstance(String);
  public static KeyPairGenerator getInstance(String, String);

  // Instance Methods
  public final KeyPair genKeyPair();
  public String getAlgorithm();
  public final Provider getProvider();
  public void initialize(int);
  public void initialize(AlgorithmParameterSpec);

See Also

AlgorithmParameterSpec, KeyPair

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