Entering Non-Printable Characters


You need to put non-printable characters into strings.


Use the backslash character and one of the Java string escapes.


The Java string escapes are listed in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1. String escapes

To get:

Use this:





Linefeed (Unix newline)


See System.getProperty("line.separator"), which gives you the platform’s line end.

Carriage return



Form feed






Single quote



Double quote



Unicode character


Four hexadecimal digits (no \x as in C/C++). See http://www.unicode.org for codes.

Octal(!) character


Who uses octal (base 8) these days?




Here is a code example that shows most of these in action:

// StringEscapes.java
System.out.println("Java Strings in action:");
// System.out.println("An alarm or alert: \a");    // not supported
System.out.println("An alarm entered in Octal: \007");
System.out.println("A tab key: \t(what comes after)");
System.out.println("A newline: \n(what comes after)");
System.out.println("A UniCode character: \u0207");
System.out.println("A backslash character: \\");

If you have a lot of non-ASCII characters to enter, you may wish to consider using Java’s input methods, discussed briefly in the JDK online documentation.

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