Structure Tests Into Given-When-Then

 class​ CruiseControlTest {
 void​ setPlanetarySpeedIs7667() {
» CruiseControl cruiseControl = ​new​ CruiseControl();
» cruiseControl.setPreset(SpeedPreset.PLANETARY_SPEED);
» Assertions.assertTrue(7667 == cruiseControl.getTargetSpeedKmh());

Above, you can see a simple test written with JUnit5. Although it’s not part of the Java class library, JUnit’s the de facto standard for writing unit tests in Java and JUnit5 is the newest revision. Defining a test is simple enough, and chances are you’re already familiar with it: you just add the @Test annotation to a method and JUnit can execute it as a test.

That test above is worth its money—it runs correctly, and it will detect bugs in the code. ...

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