Replace Comments with Utility Methods

 class​ FuelSystem {
  List<Double> tanks = ​new​ ArrayList<>();
 int​ getAverageTankFillingPercent() {
 double​ sum = 0;
 for​ (​double​ tankFilling : tanks) {
  sum += tankFilling;
 double​ averageFuel = sum / tanks.size();
»// round to integer percent
 return​ Math.toIntExact(Math.round(averageFuel * 100));

Converting comments into constants is one tool that’s available to you. But what if things are more complicated? After all, not everything’s a fixed value.

Here you can see code that calculates an average and manipulates its value before returning it. Can you immediately spot what the last statement is supposed to do? We’d say that the author was absolutely right to clarify ...

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