Favor Java API Over DIY

 class​ Inventory {
 private​ List<Supply> supplies = ​new​ ArrayList<>();
 int​ getQuantity(Supply supply) {
 if​ (supply == ​null​) {
»throw​ ​new​ NullPointerException(​"supply must not be null"​);
 int​ quantity = 0;
 for​ (Supply supplyInStock : supplies) {
 if​ (supply.equals(supplyInStock)) {
»return​ quantity;

In the early days of programming, you had to do everything by yourself. In C, for instance, you still need to create a String using a char[] or implement your own list. You had to do this for all kinds of data structures and algorithms. Although this is a nice exercise, it’s also time-consuming and error-prone.

Times have changed. The Java API is ...

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