
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


" (quotation marks, double)
&quot\, Entity References
XML attributes, Attributes
#PCDATA keyword, Elements
$ (dollar sign), indicating variables, XPath Variables
& (ampersand) in XML entity references, Entity References
' (apostrophe), &apos\, Entity References
' (quotation marks, single)
&apos\, Entity References
XML attributes, Attributes
(semicolon), in XML entity references, Entity References
* (asterisk), recurrence modifier, Elements
+ (plus sign), recurrence modifier, Elements
, (comma) operator, specifying order, Elements
. (period), in Java property names, Java Properties Files, Creating XML with JDOM
.dtd file extension, Generating DTDs from XML Instance Documents
< and > (angle brackets)
<! opening of a DTD tag, Elements
<!-- and --> comment delimiters, LexicalHandler
entity references in XML, Entity References
<!\, Text and CDATA nodes
? (question mark), recurrence operator, Elements
\, Entity References
| (pipe symbol)
combining constants defined by ContentFilter, ContentFilter
OR operator, Elements


A9 Open Search module, Modules with ROME
AbstractView interface, Views
accept( ) method
EventFilter and StreamFilter, StAX Filters
Node interface, Support ...

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